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Friday, November 6, 2009

Fun Cranberry Sauce Shapes

Haven't you thought, as you've sliced cranberry sauce into the traditional slices, "Hmmm ... this is a little boring!" Here's a fun way to serve jellied cranberry sauce: cut sliced cranberry sauce into shapes using cookie cutters. I can't wait to try it this year!

Gently run a spatula around the edge of an opened can of cranberry sauce (jellied, not whole berry). You should be able to then shake the whole cylinder out onto a plate. Cut into 1/2- to 1-inch slices. Using small cookie cutters, cut out desired shapes.

Serving idea: using a spatula, gently place shapes on a leaf-lettuce-covered serving plate garnished with thinly sliced oranges.

Mix up the remaining pieces of cranberry sauce and serve in a bowl.

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