
Thanks for visiting my blog. Hope you find some helpful hints for organizing your time and space. My passions are to help you make home a refuge instead of a crisis center, and to help you function in peace rather than chaos - at home or at work. I have switched my main blog to 1-2-3 ... Get Organized on WordPress, so please visit me there.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Some Cleaning Tips from Professional Organizers

One of our foster daughters is on bed rest following a concussion while ice skating. She's recovering slowly, but surely, I'm happy to say. So, I've been staying close to home. A great opportunity to get some cleaning done. I try to do cleaning during times when the girls are home and save those times when I'm alone for more concentrated work or time for myself.

And since January is Get Organized Month sponsored by the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO). I thought you might enjoy some cleaning hints from my fellow NAPO members:

Ann W. Damani-McKinney, Conceivable Solutions:

"My favorite non-toxic cleaner is

  • one cup of vinager
  • one squirt of dish soap (yes, only one squirt)
  • about two and half gallons of water
This works great on glass and in the bathroom. On glass, use a dry cloth to wipe off. No need to rinse in the bathroom. Love it!"

Tracy Axcell, Officially Organized:

"I found a new cleaning tool that you and our clients will love! I have a shower with texture on the flooring – not the stick-on rubber, the actual base is textured like thick orange peel.
I’ve used SOS pads to try to get down into the tiny grooves; it collects soap scum and body oils and nothing cleans it.

Sonic Scrubber – (as seen on TV at Walgreen's). It’s like a turbo-charged toothbrush with very hard bristles that spin. I just sprayed my shower floor with a bathroom soap scum cleaner and went to town with the scrubber – WOW!!! Super easy!"

"For a more 'green' approach (I have the same kind of shower floor) sprinkle baking soda or Borax (a little more toxic but still better than commercial cleaners) and scrub with a rag or soft cloth. Rinse well and, voila! It really gets rid of soap scum on tub floor and sides and is not toxic or damaging to drains."

What are your cleaning secrets?

More on Cleaning:
Three Steps to Clever Cleaning

Spring Cleaning Using Household Items - Lemons
Spring Cleaning Using Household Items - Vinegar