
Thanks for visiting my blog. Hope you find some helpful hints for organizing your time and space. My passions are to help you make home a refuge instead of a crisis center, and to help you function in peace rather than chaos - at home or at work. I have switched my main blog to 1-2-3 ... Get Organized on WordPress, so please visit me there.

Monday, August 3, 2009

5-Minute Stress Relievers - Being Generous

Hope you had a nice weekend! Ours was relaxed. We get two girls today for two days, then three girls on Thursday for eight days. On to our blog ...

In our continuing series on 5-Minute Stress Relievers, we're looking at various ways to relieve stress. Just as we have different personalities, our stress is relieved in different ways. Today we're going to look at generosity. Here are a few ideas:

  • Do a random act of kindness - bring someone a cup of tea, do someone else's chore, let someone else go in front of you in the check-out line, etc.
  • Give to someone in need.
  • Write a note to someone who has made a difference in your life, being specific about what you have gained from the relationship.
  • Gather up your change and drop it in a red kettle.
  • Twitter, Facebook or email a friend or family member, describing how important he/she is to you.
  • Pay for the person behind you in the drive-thru.
  • Send a card.
  • Buy flowers for a friend while you're doing your grocery shopping.
  • Call a shut-in.
  • Call a mom of a preschooler and offer to babysit.
  • Give someone you love a pat, hug or kiss.
  • Pick up a gift for someone while you're shopping.
Generosity renews your soul - it's restorative when you give to someone else. It doesn't need to be expensive - just thoughtful!

Do you have some more ideas? Please share them! Subscribers click here to comment on the original blog.

More on Stress Relievers:

5-Minute Stress Relievers - Organizing and Cleaning
5-Minute Stress Relievers - Physical Activity
Five Health Benefits of Laughter
Foods that Relieve Stress

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