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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Garage/Yard Sale Tips

Good Morning! Today's the last day of school for our girls. I'm looking forward to a little more relaxed schedule in one sense. But it will be a little more intense, too! As I promised here are some garage/yard sale tips:

The following tips for having a successful garage/yard sale are gleanings from a NAPO (National Association of Professional Organizers) chat.

- The best thing you can do to ensure good profits at a garage sale is make sure all the items are clean, clean, clean.

- Put tablecloths on tables, even if they're just plastic ones.

- Group like with like, just as you'd find in a store.

- Hang clothing, don't pile it on tables or leave it in boxes. Try to organize by type (boys, girls, men, women) and even further by size.

- For pricing, it all depends on quality. If it's nearly new, mark it slightly above half of retail. If it's slightly used or worn, then just below half of retail and so on.

- If items are new, leave the price tags on so people can see what a bargain they're getting. If you can find pictures of items in Sunday newspaper ads, attach those, too.

You can use Salvation Army or Goodwill prices as a guideline. Theirs are pretty close to garage sale prices.

- Another key is good signage with big fat lettering that can readily be seen from a passing car.

What are your best garage sale tips? Email subscribers, click here to comment.

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