
Thanks for visiting my blog. Hope you find some helpful hints for organizing your time and space. My passions are to help you make home a refuge instead of a crisis center, and to help you function in peace rather than chaos - at home or at work. I have switched my main blog to 1-2-3 ... Get Organized on WordPress, so please visit me there.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Meaningful Christmas Gift that Keeps on Giving

I heard about this idea at our church ladies retreat this fall: a Blessings Jar as a group gift to your family. It would also make a lovely gift to others as well.

It's a jar or box of any kind with strips of paper inside . The purpose is to remember blessings in your life. Whenever you or your family members think of a way they have been blessed, they can write that down on one of the paper strips. You can keep blank paper strips in a zip bag in the jar, and fill the rest of the jar with blessings. Throughout the year or at New Year's you can take out the jar and count your blessings!

To take it a bit further, you could put those paper slips in a scrapbook or type them up on a Blessings List or some similar way to preserve them.

We so easily forget the blessings in our  lives! When times are tough, it's an encouragement to remember how we're blessed. I've read that remembering three blessings at the end of each day is far more effective than having a therapist!

More on blessings:
5-Minute Stress Relievers - Spiritual Refocusing
5-Minte Stress Reliever - Change Your Attitude
Planning Thankfulness into Your Thanksgiving Celebration

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