
Thanks for visiting my blog. Hope you find some helpful hints for organizing your time and space. My passions are to help you make home a refuge instead of a crisis center, and to help you function in peace rather than chaos - at home or at work. I have switched my main blog to 1-2-3 ... Get Organized on WordPress, so please visit me there.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Getting Organized for School - Peaceful and Organized Surroundings

Hope you had a nice weekend! One of our girls went to homecoming, which was fun for all of us to enjoy as she got all gorgeous.

We continue to work on getting our new home organized and functional. We have chosen to work on common rooms first so as to create a peaceful place for the girls to live - the kitchen, living room, and rec room. With those pretty usable, we are now tackling our bedroom and office. At some point, we'll get to the guest room and garage.

We took time over the weekend to help our two girls organize their rooms, so they can have their own peaceful surroundings. It's hard to be at peace internally when your physical surroundings are chaotic.

We got rid of things (trash and donations), thought through where things should go, and found homes for everything. We used clear plastic shoe boxes for shoes, hair products, lotions, and much more! We also used containers we had on hand to house other items. We organized their laundry into separate baskets.
We also organized their bathrooms, putting like things together.

We still have some things to do in one room, but we can walk across the floor without injury. The child who lives in this room is naturally disorganized, but she said herself that she can now be at rest in her room.

If your or your child's surroundings are chaotic, take time to declutter and organize. You'll both feel better, feel successful, and feel ready to meet the challenges of the day. You can get ready without having to search for things, you can see what you have at a glance, and there is order in your life.


More on these topics:
Three Steps to Decluttering
Three Steps to Organizing Your Child's Room

Before and After Pictures - Organizing a Bedroom

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