
Thanks for visiting my blog. Hope you find some helpful hints for organizing your time and space. My passions are to help you make home a refuge instead of a crisis center, and to help you function in peace rather than chaos - at home or at work. I have switched my main blog to 1-2-3 ... Get Organized on WordPress, so please visit me there.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

3-Part Webinar - Three Steps to Becoming a Downsizing Professional

Three Steps to Becoming a Downsizing Professional

3-Part Webinar* (90 minutes each)

by Beverly Coggins

Please join me in a highly interactive and personalized webinar limited to 10 participants .
You’ll be as fully involved in the discussion as you wish.
I’ll give you a personal phone call before the webinar to ascertain your needs.

Why Consider becoming a Downsizing Professional?

- Downsizing is a relatively simple concept to learn

- 76 million Baby Boomers will be retiring in the next 20 years, many needing to downsize

- Starting a downsizing business requires minimal up-front costs

- Training can be completed in three 90-minute seminars

- Your work hours are flexible based on your own needs

- You’ll have the fulfillment of helping seniors transition gracefully

- Your growth potential is unlimited!

What Content Will Be Covered in the Webinar?

Part I - Starting Your Downsizing Business
(business structures presented by my accountant, branding, websites, methods of payment, fees, affiliations, hiring employees, strategic alliances and more)

Part II - Marketing
(a plethora of proven marketing ideas!!)

Part III - The Nuts and Bolts of Downsizing
(estimates, contracts, measuring/floor plans, the steps involved in the move, including check lists for you and your clients, forms, and recommended products)

Bonus Features Included with the Cost of the Webinar:
  • Three Steps to Becoming a Downsizing Professional manual (pdf version)
  • Membership to Downsizer Cafe, a members-only blog providing support, exchange of ideas, and continuing training
  • Additional video training segments
  • Continued one-on-one email coaching with Beverly Coggins following the webinar

Dates: November 10, 11, 12
11 am Eastern (10 am Central, 9 am Mountain, 8 am Pacific) - 90 minutes each

Deadline to register
: Sunday, November 8

Cost: $499
Both one-time payment and three-part installment options (billed 15 days apart) are available . To register, click here.

*What is a webinar? A webinar is a teleseminar where your computer is linked to the instructor’s notes on your computer screen.

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