
Thanks for visiting my blog. Hope you find some helpful hints for organizing your time and space. My passions are to help you make home a refuge instead of a crisis center, and to help you function in peace rather than chaos - at home or at work. I have switched my main blog to 1-2-3 ... Get Organized on WordPress, so please visit me there.

Friday, June 19, 2009

10 Ways to Double Your Time

Happy Friday! Today's our last day of girls for a bit, but we're not counting down the hours or minutes! :) Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

10 Ways to Double Your Time

Would you like to squeeze more time out of your day? Who wouldn't? Here are a few suggestions to help you do just that. Then hopefully you’ll have some more time to do what you want to do!

1. Have something with you to do for that unexpected delay, while waiting for an appointment, riding in a car/public transportation, during a child’s practice or lesson. Make phone calls, read, write cards, or prioritize your to-do list. If you want to use it as a “refill time” for yourself, bring along that book you can’t wait to finish, your favorite magazine, listen to music, or something else that refills you.

2. Make phone calls while doing mindless tasks: walking, riding in a car/public transportation, filing, decluttering your desk/another surface/a room, laundry, cleaning, ironing, unloading the dishwasher, etc. Consider getting a headset (~$20) or Bluetooth (~$70) to free your hands.

3. If you travel with colleagues, use that time intentionally for training, brainstorming, or conducting business that would otherwise take up office time.

4. If you attend meetings or conferences with a person you need to see, schedule an appointment before or after or during a break while you’re in the same location. It eliminates the extra travel time it would take if you scheduled a separate appointment.

5. Keep a list of errands you need to run. Combine those that are in the same location, rather than making several trips, wasting time and gas. If your errands are conducive to it, take along someone with whom you want to spend time.

Do mindless jobs when you can be interrupted. For example, don’t do something that requires your concentration while your child is doing homework and may need help. Instead, use that time to prepare dinner, do laundry, prepare for tomorrow, etc.

Listen to the news while getting ready in the morning, while driving, or preparing dinner.

8. Record TV shows to eliminate commercial time. Use TV time to read mail, exercise, iron, clean, make shopping lists, pay bills, cut coupons, wrap presents, etc. Or intentionally do nothing if this is your “refill time.”

9. If you don’t record TV shows, use commercial time for 2-minute-clean-up times. Declutter, clean a surface, empty one shelf of the dishwasher, clean a toilet or mirror or sink, set the table for breakfast, etc. Involve everyone in your household: have them pick up their stuff, do a chore, get ready for bed, etc.

10. Plan your dinner menus to piggy-back off each other. Make extra pasta one night, and turn it into a pasta salad the next night. Grill extra chicken one night, and serve it on a salad the next night.

By following some of the tips above, you may find you have some extra “refill time” or at least reduce the stress in your life a little!

How do you double your time? Email subscribers click here to comment on the original blog.

Other ways to save time:

The "Do It Now" Mindset
Capturing Usable Moments
Save Time and Clutter by Making Decisions
Getting Organized for School - Planning Dinner


vin said...

Useful information.

lanzdale said...

This same list could be used by a psychologist. What to avoid for reducing stress. Do one thing at a time and enjoy it.