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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Who Invented Meatloaf Anyway?

We have one house of foster girls going home today and another coming tomorrow, so I'm planning menus. I made meatloaf this last week, and doubled up on the recipe. So I already have one meal prepared for this week.

Who invented meatloaf anyway? And why did they decide it must cook in a loaf pan? When I make meatloaf, I cook it in a 9 x 9 or 13 x 9 pan to speed up the cooking. It cuts the cooking time by half at least. Does it change the texture or something? I don't know, but our girls ate it all.

I cooked red skin potatoes while the meatloaf cooked, turning them into garlic mashed potatoes. Fresh green beans and fruit rounded out the meal.

I think I'm also going to make lasagna this week. I'll double up on the meat sauce and freeze half of it. So when I make lasagna next time, at least that part will be done. If I'm really energetic, I'll make two lasagnas - we'll see.

I feel so efficient when I have something in the freezer for the future. It doesn't really take that much longer to make two meatloaves or two batches of meat sauce, but it sure saves time on another day!

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