
Thanks for visiting my blog. Hope you find some helpful hints for organizing your time and space. My passions are to help you make home a refuge instead of a crisis center, and to help you function in peace rather than chaos - at home or at work. I have switched my main blog to 1-2-3 ... Get Organized on WordPress, so please visit me there.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy Get Organized Month!

January is Get Organized Month as declared by the National Association of Professional Organizers. I think we all feel like getting organized, getting rid of stuff, making a new start. We'll take some time during January to organize several areas to help us get started!

If you haven't taken down your Christmas decorations yet, let that be your first organizing project. Get rid of anything in your Christmas boxes that you haven't used for the last couple of years and that you don't love.

As you are replacing your Christmas decorations with your regular decor, do the same thing. Get rid of anything that you don't love or is extraneous. Take the moment to look at your decor with a fresh eye:

Is it too much?

Is there something you need to make it complete?

Is anything faded or worn?

Is there something in another part of the house that would brighten up your look?

Is your room functional and efficient?

It's invigorating to pare down your stuff and take a new look at things. Have fun! When you finish, take a moment and come back to report your accomplishments.

More on Get Organized Month: Get Organized Month - Declutter Your Catalogs, Get Organized Month - Declutter Under Your Sink, Get Organized Month - Declutter Your Pantry, Get Organized Month - Clean out the Freezer, Get Organized Month - Declutter the Laundry Area

If you need help organizing your time or space, see my 1-2-3...Get Organized series, books and workbooks for the organizationally overwhelmed.


Anonymous said...

I am working on decluttering and getting organized. I put away my Christmas tree and other stuff...but I still keep finding Christmas items sitting around that I missed! I am going to finish that up today. I have decided to use some time each day decluttering and I plan to put some systems in place to help keep me organized.

1-2-3...Get Organized said...

Fabulous! That's the only way to keep on top of it! Great job. :)