
Thanks for visiting my blog. Hope you find some helpful hints for organizing your time and space. My passions are to help you make home a refuge instead of a crisis center, and to help you function in peace rather than chaos - at home or at work. I have switched my main blog to 1-2-3 ... Get Organized on WordPress, so please visit me there.

Friday, September 12, 2008

National Preparedness Month - Emergency Kit #7 - Medications and Medical Supplies

It's easy to put off getting perscriptions filled until the last minute. As I've been researching National Preparedness Month, however, I've seen the importance of having at least a week's supply of medications (both over the counter and perscriptions) on hand at all times. We never know when we might encounter an emergency, and we want to be preapred!

Think about all who are evacuating for Hurricane Ike in Texas. The last thing they need is to have to stop by the pharmacy to get their perscriptions filled! Imagine the lines!

Homeland Security also suggests:

- Making a list of prescription medicines including dosage, treatment and allergy information, and putting that list in your emergency kit.

- Talking to your pharmacist or doctor about what else you need to prepare. I would recommend writing it down and keeping it in your emergency kit.

- Talking to your care providers if you undergo routine treatments administered by a clinic or hospital or if you receive regular services such as home health care, treatment or transportation. Find out what their emergency plans entail. And obtain a list of back-up service providers and incorporate them into your personal support network. (We'll talk more about your personal support network in a few days.)

- Making sure you have extra batteries for hearing aids and wheelchairs in your emergency kit.

I would add eyeglasses, hearing aids, walkers, wheelchairs, oxygen and any other medical devices you (or family memebers) use to your emergency list of things to grab (those things you use each day and can't keep in your emergency kit).

Isn't it amazing to think about all the details we need to get together for an emergency? It shows that we don't want to do it at the last-minute!

Do you have medical items in your emergency kit that I haven't mentioned?

Related Posts: National Preparedness Month - Making a Plan, National Preparedness Month - Determining Potential Emergencies, National Preparedness Month - Emergency Kit #1: NOAA Radio, National Preparedness Month - Emergency Kit #2: Landline Phone, National Preparedness Month - Emergency Kit #3 - Water, National Preparedness Month - Emergency Kit #4 - First Aid Kit, National Preparedness Month - Emergency Kit #5 - Additional Supplies, National Preparedness Month - Emergency Kit #6 - Food

Source: National Preparedness Month

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