
Thanks for visiting my blog. Hope you find some helpful hints for organizing your time and space. My passions are to help you make home a refuge instead of a crisis center, and to help you function in peace rather than chaos - at home or at work. I have switched my main blog to 1-2-3 ... Get Organized on WordPress, so please visit me there.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Announcing the Winners of My Bloggy Giveaways - and a Free Gift for Everyone Else

I'm pleased to announce the winners of my four Bloggy Giveaways:

5 Organizing books - Mechelle
Hassle Free Dinners - Tasha
3 Organizing Ebooks - Sarah
Office Organizing Ebooks - Audrey

If you didn't win, I'd still like to give you a free gift - a downloadable article on Cheating Time - an exerpt from my Time Management books. Just leave a comment on this blog and be sure to include your email address.

If you are interested in some of my books, watch for my blogs next week - I'll be announcing my new website with a special sale. Make sure you sign up for my blog so you don't miss out. :-)

Thanks so much for entering my giveaways - it was fun, wasn't it? I loved reading your comments - thanks for your kind words! By the way, since this is my first bloggy giveaway, I haven't gotten up to speed on the random selection software, so my husband chose the winners randomly.


AudreyO said...

Thank you so much!! I'm so excited to receive the books.

Jessica said...

Oh how my heart sank when I didn't see my name but congratulations to those who won. I'd love to have a read on Cheating Time...thanks so very much.

Michele said...

Congrats to the winners!!!

I'd also love to have some info. on Cheating Time! Thank you so much!


Anonymous said...

Congrats everyone. I'd love to read Cheating Time. :)


Missy said...

I would love to receive your Cheating Time article - as the busy mother of four young children, I could use the help!

Michelle @ [ real neat ] said...

I'd love a copy of your Cheating Time article as well. Thanks for sharing!