
Thanks for visiting my blog. Hope you find some helpful hints for organizing your time and space. My passions are to help you make home a refuge instead of a crisis center, and to help you function in peace rather than chaos - at home or at work. I have switched my main blog to 1-2-3 ... Get Organized on WordPress, so please visit me there.

Friday, April 18, 2008

It's that Time Again - Swapping Out Your Seasonal Clothes

If you haven't done so already, it's time to think about swapping out your winter clothes for summer ones. I am in the process of going through my winter clothes today - I've made it through the closet. Next, on to drawers and shelves!

I keep my off-season clothes in another location, so before bringing them into my closet, I went through my closet and made four categories: give away, store for next winter, keep in the closet for transitional days, and clothes I use year-round.

I was very proud of myself - I was fairly ruthless. If I haven't worn it this past winter or I don't love it, even if it is a perfectly good piece of clothing, I got rid of it. After getting rid of a LOT of winter clothes in the fall before putting them in my closet, my closet is at a rather manageable place.

If your closet is large enough for all your clothes, you may want to rearrange your in-season clothes to be more accessible than your off-season clothes.

Whatever the case, you'll want to group your clothing into like categories. I put all my athletic clothes in one location - t-shirts and work-out clothes. I grouped dressy tops together by color and casual tops together by color. The same with the pants. Suits or outfits that go together are a separate group. And dresses another group.

The same can be done with your folded clothes, whether they live in drawers or shelves. It's a great time to go through your socks and get rid of loners or those with holes. Same with underwear and night clothes.

And don't forget your shoes! Make sure your summer shoes are more accessible and your winter shoes less accessible. Be ruthless here, as well.

As you go through this process each spring and fall, your job will become more and more manageable, as your clothing will be pared down to what you use and love.

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