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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Study Tips

Today's the day when our two houses of foster girls come together at our house for ten days - five girls, three bedrooms, one bathroom, four schools. :)

Speaking of school, let's talk about studying, shall we?

I came upon this article from Disney Family Parenting on studying and thought those of your with kids returning to school might enjoy it.

"Many parents automatically assume that students who are doing poorly in school simply need to study harder or longer when in fact they really need to study smarter. This means being well organized and staying focused, despite temptations like television, the Internet and other distractions of modern life. Many students will also find the following 7 tips useful for retaining more of what they read and study in both homework and class work assignments.

Preview textbook lessons.

Many students find it helpful to preview textbook lessons before reading through them. Introductions will generally outline the scope of the information and give advance notice of some of the most important points. Chapter headings and subheadings will often define key principles or ideas. And summaries will often provide a concise overview of the information students are expected to retain. By reading the introductions, headings and summaries, the student can construct a mental map of the content complete with guideposts to some of the most important points.

Pause to think about the material during the reading and studying process.

As students read through material, it can be helpful to pause on occasion and summarize what they've read. After reading a few paragraphs, for example, restating the main idea and key points in their own words can help students retain and organize the information.

Take notes effectively.

Students can also make more strategic use of their study time by learning how to focus on the most important information in a lecture or textbook lesson. Taking notes on the main points that are outlined in textbook chapter headings and subheadings (which are often in capital letters, bold face type or italic) is an effective strategy for maximizing the value of homework. Listening carefully for distinct or subtle verbal cues from an instructor (i.e. "One of the key points to remember from today's lesson" or "Now I'd like each of you to think about the passage we just read") can help students retain the most important information from classroom lessons.

Pay special attention to textbook graphics.

Students should also remember that diagrams and tables in textbooks are often used to clarify main ideas - and are also good indicators of information that the author (and a teacher) may consider important.

Engage in self-testing.

Many students find tests a nerve-wracking experience. Self-testing, on the other hand, can be a low-stress way for students to ascertain how well they understand the material and pinpoint areas that need additional time and effort. The process is generally simple. By taking a look at the points of a lecture or the headings of a textbook chapter, the student can often determine what types of questions might be asked on a test. Going the the process can therefore help the student define the most important information to remember, and prepare effectively for the real tests to come.

Establish a consistent study schedule.

Physical fitness experts often encourage those embarking on exercise programs to "establish a routine and stick to it." This is equally good advice for the mental exercise of studying. Setting aside a time and place for studying every day of the week is important for "getting into the study habit" and the right frame of mind. And the usual advice about the time and place always bears repeating: Students should avoid the distractions of television, telephones and recreational Web surfing, and they should work in a well-lit, organized environment.

Take on the most difficult assignments first.

Most students have one or more subjects that they find especially difficult. Because homework in these subjects tends to demand sharper concentration skills, students should try and take them on when they're most alert. Getting the harder work out of the way before going on to easier assignments alleviates anxiety and helps students avoid being caught in a late-night trap in which the work becomes more difficult because of fatigue and frustration.

While it's always important to establish good study habits from the earliest grades, it becomes even more important as students reach middle and secondary school, where assignments tend to require more critical thinking and independent work by the students. And while it's only natural to occasionally feel a bit overwhelmed, these strategies can make that work much more manageable and academically rewarding as the year goes on."

We'll talk more about homework next week.

In the meantime, do you have some homework tips that work well with your child? Subscribers, click here to comment on the original blog.

More on studying:
Homework battles
Your Child's School Disorganization May Be Caused by Something Else
Getting Organized for School - Learning Styles

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