
Thanks for visiting my blog. Hope you find some helpful hints for organizing your time and space. My passions are to help you make home a refuge instead of a crisis center, and to help you function in peace rather than chaos - at home or at work. I have switched my main blog to 1-2-3 ... Get Organized on WordPress, so please visit me there.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!

I want to wish you a merry Christmas! We are  so looking forward to having our entire family here. One daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter live here in Bozemen. And our other daughter who lives in Kazakhstan is flying in tonight.

As you can imagine, we're elated! So, to celebrate I'm taking time off from blog writing until after the first of the year. :) 

I hope you are intentional about celebrating Christmas - choosing ways to have a meaningful holiday! Blessing to you!