
Thanks for visiting my blog. Hope you find some helpful hints for organizing your time and space. My passions are to help you make home a refuge instead of a crisis center, and to help you function in peace rather than chaos - at home or at work. I have switched my main blog to 1-2-3 ... Get Organized on WordPress, so please visit me there.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Some of My Favorite Organizing Products - Mud Room

I thought I'd do a series on my favorite organizing products. Since the entry we use to our house is the mud room/laundry room, I'll start there.

When we enter our mud room, two sets of hooks hold items we shed. In the summer - wet towels, bathing suits and such. In the winter, book bags, coats and more. Without these hooks, our house would explode as people walk in the door. We also keep our collection of plastic bags here until they get recycled. In the past when our entry was tiny, we used a coat rack for the same purpose.

Boot trays hold messy shoes and boots in the winter. Our winters here in Northeast Ohio are long and snowy, so these are big floor-savers. In the summer they move out to the garage for mowing shoes:

Since our mud room is also a laundry/utility room, we keep our broom and mop here on the wall rather than taking up closet or floor space:

It's amazing how just a few things help keep the house under control!

More on mud rooms:

Organizing Your Mud Room

Expert Organizing and Design Tips for Your Foyer

Decluttering in 10 - Entry Way


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