
Thanks for visiting my blog. Hope you find some helpful hints for organizing your time and space. My passions are to help you make home a refuge instead of a crisis center, and to help you function in peace rather than chaos - at home or at work. I have switched my main blog to 1-2-3 ... Get Organized on WordPress, so please visit me there.

Friday, May 20, 2011

College Survival Kit - A Practical Graduation Gift

Whenever one of our foster daughters graduates from high school and is going to college, we make up a "College Survival Kit" as her graduation gift. I start with a large shower caddy and fill it with items I know she'll need while at school.

I stand my Three Steps to Time Management for the College Student in the back section of the caddy or use my new flashdrive version (email me if you'd like one). 

Then I surround it with a bunch of fun stuff. Here are some ideas of what to include:
- scissors
- a can opener
- one setting of silverware
- a mug
- a plate
- a salad plate
- a bowl
- a glass
- a screwdriver set
- index cards
- a glue stick
- super glue
- measuring cups and spoons
- candy
- a granola bar
- instant oatmeal
- a chip clip
- a squirt gun :-)
- a first aid kit
- a sewing kit
- a pop-up mesh laundry basket
- a stain stick
- a flashlight

Most of these items I get from the dollar store. 
My graduation gift baskets have been for girls, but you could use a small trashcan or other storage container for guys. For either gender you could add coffee or restaurant gift cards if you wish.

Then I place the container in a gift basket bag and tie it up with colorful ribbons. I print up a personalized card on my computer, "Jane's College Survival Kit," for example, sign the back, punch a hole in a corner and slide a ribbon through it and tie it onto the package.

Our girls have come back to us and have said they used everything in their kits! Our foster daughter who is graduating this year has already asked if she is going to get one. It's such a fun gift to give, and it keeps on giving!

More on college prep:

Cutting Costs on College Textbooks

Helping Your High School Graduate Make an Intentional Plan for Transitioning into College Gracefully - 2010

Review - AgendaWorks Planner


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