
Thanks for visiting my blog. Hope you find some helpful hints for organizing your time and space. My passions are to help you make home a refuge instead of a crisis center, and to help you function in peace rather than chaos - at home or at work. I have switched my main blog to 1-2-3 ... Get Organized on WordPress, so please visit me there.

Monday, June 21, 2010

101 Things to Do this Summer

I stole this list from Harmony Within. :) Isn't that a nice name? Speaking of which, we survived the weekend with four teenage girls in the house. See last Thursday's post for more details. I'm sure we'll be using some of these ideas to drive boredom away.


1. Start a family newsletter by email
2. Learn about fireworks
3. Create a web site
4. Write a poem
5. Go outside and find 10 different kinds of flowers
6. Compare a book to a movie
7. Make dinner for your family
8. Become a photographer
9. Make a new kind of sandwich
10. Go a ballgame
11. Make a scrapbook of everything you do this summer
12. Bake some cookies
13. Start a band
14. Make a puzzle from magazine pages cut up
15. Sketch a picture of your house from the outside
16. Visit a farm
17. Take a walk and record the sounds
18. Put notes inside balloons, blow them up and give them to your friends
19. Play chalk games or draw pictures with chalk on the sidewalk
20. Laugh 400 times today—keep count
21. Make and walk on tin-can stilts
22. Make a milkshake or smoothie
23. Volunteer to help a neighbor for free—just to be nice
24. Do a jigsaw puzzle
25. Make play dough
26. Get your bicycle cleaned up and ready for summer
27. Go camping (or stay home and camp out in your own dining room)
28. Learn the alphabet in sign language
29. Try origami 
30. Spring/summer clean your room
31. Play a card game
32. Put on a play or puppet show
33. Build with LEGOS
34. Learn a few magic tricks and
35. Play hopscotch
36. Fly a kite—make it if you want to
37. Have a family game night
38. Research your own family tree
39. Attend a concert
40. Donate some of the toys and clothes you no longer use
41. Learn of teach a new sport or game with someone
42. Build a sandcastle
43. Set up a lemonade stand
44. Build a tree house
45. Plant something—inside or out
46. Clean up in your neighborhood
47. Find a pen-pal
48. Make up bubble solution and have a contest
49. Read a story to someone
50. Make a treasure hunt
51. Go to a museum
52. Make a fire plan for your family
53. Make an obstacle course in your yard or at a park
54. Visit the zoo
55. Help an elderly person with house or yard work
56. Make a movie
57. Make a collage about you from magazine words and pictures
58. Create a terrarium
59. Memorize something meaningful—a poem, a passage from a good book, the Gettysburg Address
60. Make a macaroni necklace or string beads
61. Visit a nursing home.  Bring handmade cards or pictures you drew to share
62. Shoot baskets or play tennis
63. Draw a map of your block or of your town
64. Dance to whatever music you have available
65. Collect canned goods for the food bank
66. Wash the car—or someone else’s car
67. Go swimming
68. Practice tying knots
69. Rent a video of a ballet
70. Sign up at your local library for their summer reading program
71. Visit a national or state park
72. Go without TV for a day
73. Learn how to sew
74. Have a paper airplane contest
75. Stargaze and track the moon phases
76. Tie-dye some t-shirts
77. Write a song
78.Write a fairy tale
79. Start a collection
80. Attend a first-aid class
81. Paint a portrait of your best friend
82. Spend time with your grandparents
83. Make something from recyclables
84. Make homemade ice cream
85. Get a magazine subscription 
86. Make a bird feeder
87. Build a time capsule
88. Use a compass or GPS to map your neighborhood
89. Invent your own board game
90. Roast marshmallows
91. Learn to blog
92. Re-decorate your room
93. Create your own holiday
94. Teach someone to use email
95. Create your own holiday
96. Learn to play chess
97. Have a jump rope contest
98. Organize a scavenger hunt
99. Learn the Morse code
100. Write each of these activities on a separate piece of papers in a jar to choose a couple a day
101. Make your own list of things to do when you’re bored

More on summer fun: 

Organizing Your Fun Time

Organizing An Intentional Summer for Your Children 

Organizing Summer Fun When Everyone is Bored: Treasure Hunt Dinner


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