
Thanks for visiting my blog. Hope you find some helpful hints for organizing your time and space. My passions are to help you make home a refuge instead of a crisis center, and to help you function in peace rather than chaos - at home or at work. I have switched my main blog to 1-2-3 ... Get Organized on WordPress, so please visit me there.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Decluttering and Organizing Your Email

Decluttering and organizing my email made it to the top of the list today. Is your email inbox overflowing, too?

My first line of attack was to go through each page and delete anything I didn't want to read.

What was left were things I need to read or deal with today and emails I wanted to keep.

As I went through the list of emails I wanted to keep, I moved them into folders. To do this, click the email you want to save and then click the "move" tab at the top. If you haven't created folders you can do so by clicking "new folder" at the top of the folder list. Type in the name you want to assign for that email.

For example, for items I have purchased and I want to be able to find the company again, I titled a folder "purchases". I have a folder labeled "travel" for email confirmation notices for airline tickets. I have one called "family" for emails from family members. And I have several for various aspects of my business. Your folders will reflect your interests and life.

Make a to-do list or place a reminder on your calendar if you have moved emails that still require some action into folders.

Don't forget to check your bulk mail every once in a while, even though it is filled with filth. Several important emails of mine have gone to my bulk mail lately.

If you're expecting an email from someone and it hasn't arrived in a timely manner, bulk mail may be the culprit. Make sure you add those addresses to your contact list to prevent further strays. There is a button after their email address which adds it to your contact list. You can also hit the "not spam" button at the top to avoid future misdirection.

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